Top Municipalities Care about their Citizens’ Health

Cities, Villages, and Towns across the US provide services for the maintenance of the health and well-being of their citizens, including recreation and workout facilities, parks, senior centers, and health-related events.   EMS Sign Post is one more service that top municipalities are offering.

EMS Sign Post provides you with a Personal Health Manager web application.   It’s a place to store all your critical health information over the years, so that you can track your health metrics as you gather them over the years.   It’s a single repository to put all health-related documents, including papers given to you by your doctor, results of blood tests, medicine lists, emergency contact information and other healthcare contact information, reminders for preventative screening (such as that colonoscopy that you want to be reminded to get in five years).   Also, other health related information such as your Living Will or any other documents.   It’s a powerful data repository that municipalities are providing free to their citizens.

The Personal Health Manager allows you to share critical medical information with EMS Staff, so that they are better informed in the event of an emergency.   The municipality provides its citizens with a button that can be quickly scanned by a cell phone or tablet.   Then your critical information is quickly and securely displayed to the people who need it most in the event of an emergency.

citizen portal - add a person

citizen portal - contact

citizen portal - notes



Benefits to you:

  1. Better care in the event of an emergency
  2. Personal Health Manager – all health information in one place
  3. Easily managed and easy to keep up-to-date
  4. Information doesn’t get misplaced
  5. Reminded to keep up-to-date
  6. A FREE service provided and funded by your community


Let your elected officials know that you are interested in EMS Sign Post, and that they should contact us for more information, at, or 513-591-7379.

EMS SignPost